10 Quotes & Sayings By Zelda La Grange

Zelda la Grange is a novelist and short story writer who has garnered acclaim and positive reviews for her work. She is the author of four collections of poetry, three novels, and one book of short stories.

[Mandela] had believed all his life that you are very much in control of your own body, and, in the process of healing, your mind had to be stronger than the medicines applied. You also had to have determination to get better. Zelda La Grange
To test a man's character, give him power. Once people have power they will always reveal themselves. Zelda La Grange
Be kind to every person you meet because we don't know their battles. Zelda La Grange
[Mandela] subsequently used words that never left me: 'Because you hold a particular position, doesn't mean that you are more important that anyone else. Your time is not more valuable that anybody else's time. If you are late you show that you have no respect for another person's time and therefore no respect for other people because you consider yourself to be more important. Zelda La Grange
It is of vital importance to [Mandela] to be courteous and grateful at all times, as we never know whether we will have the opportunity to thank people or pay respect whenever they have been good to you. Zelda La Grange
President Mandela was never scared to admit his own mistakes and then almost jump at the opportunity of apologising and then to move on. Zelda La Grange
Whenever a journalist wrote an article about him that was critical in nature.. he would invite them to a meal and at first they assumed they were in trouble for being critical of him. But they soon learned after arrival at his house for a meal that he merely wanted to engage with them to get an understanding of they criticism.. Madiba didn't attempt to change their minds. He would have an informed opinion after having engaged with them, and even though he occasionally changed an opinion by offering correct information, they never parted feeling hostile. Zelda La Grange
Loyalty and dedication can't be bought or paid to go away. Zelda La Grange
There are literally a million ways to deal with any situation and Madiba was the best teacher in tutoring me to see those ways, but lying was never an option. Zelda La Grange